Are you unable to open corrupted PDF files? Looking for a Repairing tools? Here are all of them in PDF repair toolbox.

 If you are unable to view or open Corrupted PDF files then try these steps:

  1. Open Adobe Reader
  2. Click on Help Tab
  3. See if there is an Update.
  4. If the program is not up to date then Update it.

If you cannot view Corrupted PDF files due to corrupted Adobe reader then follow these steps to fix it.

  1. Launch Adobe Reader
  2. Go to Help Tab
  3. Click on Repair Adobe Reader Installation
  4. You can Uninstall Adobe reader and re-install it again to fix PDF file error

These are the manual technique that you can follow in order to repair a corrupted PDF file.

If the above techniques are not sufficient for you then you can try a professional tool which will help you to fix PDF file error. But once you start searching on the web you will find thousands of software but choosing the best one is not so easy. If you don’t know the main cause for PDF corruption then you have to buy many different tools from different websites.

But if I tell you that you can avail all the tool at one place in PDF Repair toolbox then it would be good news for you. Yes, this is true. A PDF Management Toolkit is introduced by Sysinfo tools containing different types of PDF Repair software. There is a combination of six different software which will help you to manage corruption in PDF files.

Tools to Fix Damage PDF files

Some of the unique features of PDF Repair toolbox are mentioned below:

  1. Extracts the maximum Possible data from PDF files
  2. Merge more than one PDF files together
  3. The can split large PDF files in small ones as well
  4. Password Protected files are also supported
  5. Remove passwords from password protected PDF
  6. Extracts image from the PDF Files
  7. User-Friendly Graphical user interface
  8. Compatible with all the versions of Adobe Acrobat
  9. Supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003/98/NT/95
Download PDF Repair Toolkit


I believe by now you must have known the benefits which you can avail from this toolkit. These are the combined feature of the toolkit. But I know you must be curious to know more about these six tools. Now I would like to explain all the six tool in detail.

PDF Recovery Tool

PDF file format is the common file format used by many users. But the problem arises when the PDF files get corrupted. So this tool is designed with such algorithm that it will help you to extract the maximum possible data from the corrupted PDF files.

  1. Repairs ‘n’ numbers PDF files in one go
  2. Retrieves Data from corrupted PDF Files
  3. No chance of any Data loss
  4. Two modes of recovery that are Standard and Advanced
  5. Supports Encrypted PDF Files as well
  6. User-Friendly GUI
  7. Compatible with all the versions of Adobe Acrobat
  8. Supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003/98/NT/95

 PDF Merge Tool

This tool is designed to merge several PDF files into one file. If the user has multiple PDF files so in order to avoid confusion he can merge those files into one file by using this tool. The tool is very easy to run and there is no need for any technical advice.

  1. Merges Multiple PDF files into one
  2. Doesn’t Requires Adobe Acrobat or Reader
  3. Merges PDF files without any data alteration
  4. Can merge the password protected PDF Files as well
  5. Compatible with all the versions of Adobe Acrobat
  6. Supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003/98/NT/95

PDF Split Tool

This tool is one of the best tools in PDF Repair toolbox which helps the user to split large PDF file into multiple small PDFs. This tool can split the large file without causing any data alteration. The large PDF files are prone to corruption so it is recommended to break them into small PDF files.

  1. Splits Large PDF files into several small files
  2. Splits the file in the bulk simultaneously
  3. Password Protected PDF files are also Compatible
  4. There is no additional requirement to run this tool
  5. Compatible with all the versions of Adobe Acrobat
  6. Supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003/98/NT/95

PDF Unlocker Tool

Sometimes people receive a PDF file which is password protected so it is very hard for the user to view that file. But this tool will resolve the issue. The tool helps the user to remove password from PDF file and by doing this the user can view the PDF file.

  1. Unlocks PDF file without causing any damage to it
  2. The User can edit the Meta Data
  3. Compatible with Adobe Acrobat 3.0 and later versions
  4. Can remove Owners and as well as users password
  5. Any type of Security can be removed
  6. User-Friendly GUI
  7. Supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003/98/NT/95

PDF Protection Tool

Many users keep their crucial and confidential data in PDF file format. So in order to protect that information the file has to be protected by some password or security code. This is a tool designed to solve such issues by providing high security to the file.

  1. Secures more than one file in one go
  2. Supports Encrypted PDF files
  3. User Password and Owner Password can be applied
  4. Allows the user to access Meta Data and Other Information
  5. Previews PDF file before any command
  6. User-Friendly GUI
  7. Supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003/98/NT/95

PDF Image Extractor

The software is designed to recover data like bitmaps, images, photos, and graphs from both accessible and corrupted PDF files. The image and other data size remain same after recovery. There is no chance of any data alteration.

  1. Retrieves images form Corrupted PDF files
  2. Adobe Acrobat is not needed in performing recovery
  3. Compatible with PDF versions 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7
  4. Image quality remains the same after recovery
  5. Preview before scanning feature is available
  6. User-Friendly GUI
  7. Supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003/98/NT/95

Note*- This toolkit is only compatible with windows and doesn’t support Linux and Mac.


That’s all about the various tools that you are going to avail if you go for this PDF repair toolbox. Hope you like this blog. The knowledge which I have provided is enough for you to go for the toolkit. If you have any query then you can ask that in the comment box. Our technical team will assist you.

Outlook Emails are also prone to corruption. So if you have any issue related to that then you can also read:- Outlook Emails Repair Toolkit

About The Author:

As a content writer, I specialize in Email Migration, Data Recovery, Email Backup, and File Management. I have been writing professionally for two years now. There is so much information available in this field that I am intrigued by the newer technologies and techniques.

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