How to fix Yahoo mail not Working on Mac?

Have you got problems with Yahoo mail not working on Mac? Do you need assistance to resolve this issue? You are on the right blog. We will discuss here the probable reasons behind this problem and how to use methods to resolve Yahoo Mail problems on Mac. First, let us see how Mac Has become synonymous with Apple.

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Apple Mail comes as a free package with Mac, iPhone, and iPad. It is very easy to set up and easier to use. Apple Mail makes it easy to handle multiple accounts. Moreover, Mac OS handles multiple numbers of email clients. Apart from Apple Mail, You can easily integrate these email clients too.

  • Gmail
  • Outlook
  • Spike
  • Spark
  • Hey
  • AirMail
  • Post Box
  • MailMate

With such features no wonder you too have become a Mac user.
Now, you must be thinking about how to fix Yahoo not working on Mac, but first, we have to understand the reasons behind this problem.

DIY Strategies to fix Problem: Yahoo Mail not working on Mac

There can be several problems that are causing Mac mail Yahoo not working. Check them as mentioned below:

  1. Firstly, assure that there is no internet connectivity issue.
  2. Secondly, stay up to date with the latest Mac OS version.
  3. Thirdly, ensure that there is no interference with a third party software installed in your Mac.
  4. Make sure that Yahoo Mail server is working fine and is not down.
  5. Reassure that your Yahoo email account security is not compromised or email account is not blocked.
  6. Lastly, check your browser and even Mac Mail and keep them up to date.

As now you have already figured why your Yahoo is troubled on Mac, then now you need to get to the steps to resolve it.

Read here: How to Protect Yahoo Email from Hacking and Cyber Risk During COVID 19

Detailed Solutions to Fix “Yahoo Mail not working on Mac Mail” manually

With the help of following manual methods, you can resolve the issue of Mac mail Yahoo not working, that is interrupting the working of Yahoo on Mac OS.

Check internet connectivity issue

Most common reason might be your internet connection trouble and you can easily check it with the following methods:

  1. When WiFi is not visible then check it with a simple click on the System Preferences and the Network icon.
  2. Turn WiFi ON by pressing on the tab with the same name.
  3. If still it doesnt show WiFi then restart your modem and pause for a minute to assure there is no internet connectivity trouble. Finally, restart your Mac.

Ensure that Yahoo! Mail Works Outside of Mac Mail

  • Start your web browser on your PC and login to Yahoo Mail.
  • Compose an email and send it to your email id.
  • Now, if you receive it within 5 min then it’s working fine otherwise the problem persists.

Test for Viruses

Many times unintentionally while visiting any websites or downloading a software, malicious programs enter our system. Such programs need to be checked with antivirus software and eventually need to be deleted.

Steps to Update Mac OS

If you need to update Mac OS then:

  1. Proceed to the software update section and dab on Update Now and take a moment for it to install.
  2. Keep a check on Automatically keep my Mac up to date.
  3. Restart the PC to let all the updates take place.

Method to Remove and Add Yahoo Mail Account

If need arises then you must remove your Yahool Account as mentioned:

  1. Start with the Menu option in Mac Mail application, in order to open Mail.
  2. Next is to confirm the Preferences option with a click.
  3. Pick the Yahoo account you need to remove with the help of the dash(-) button in the bottom.
  4. Once you confirm account deletion with an OK, your account gets deleted.
  5. Simply Add the Yahoo Account back on Mac Mail.

Review Yahoo Account Settings

  • Look in the Spam folder for any incorrectly marked spam mails.
  • Verify you have not blocked the email sender.
  • Take help of Email Filter and ensure that your email is not lying on other folders.
  • Keep a watch that the Reply to address must be kept blank.

Change if: the Auto-Forwarding feature is Enabled

If yes then stop it by downloading messages on Mac Mail. To Change the Auto sending features press on

  1. Settings
  2. Auto Forward
  3. Change your preferences.

Problem in server Address

To fix this check out the server address settings and ensure you have entered the actual server addresses.

Take your emails in Offline Mode

  1. Apple gives you smart feature to get your emails offline by:
  2. Prefer the take all accounts offline option in Mac Mail Mailbox tab with a click.
  3. Re-open Mailbox Tab and click on Get All New Mail. Now, you’ve got all your emails for offline mode.

When you have been through all these methods to resolve Yahoo not working on Mac, there are chances of data loss. So, you must try to take backup of your Yahoo account on Mac. For this, take assistance of the Yahoo Backup Tool which can rescue all your Yahoo emails on Mac effortlessly with just a click.


To sum it up we have taken into account all possible causes that cause Yahoo mail not working on mac. These problems can be tried with a fix from manual methods. But, to be on a safer side, always use Yahoo Backup tool.

About The Author:

As a content writer, I specialize in Email Migration, Data Recovery, Email Backup, and File Management. I have been writing professionally for two years now. There is so much information available in this field that I am intrigued by the newer technologies and techniques.

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